Do you enjoy having a flexible schedule while helping others in the community? At Maine-ly Elder...
Upcoming Free Blood Pressure Clinics
2019 upcoming Free Blood Pressure Clinics: Tuesday, April 23rd – Hannaford JFK in Waterville:...
Employee Annual Holiday Party!
Job Fair – December 4th, 2018
We are currently seeking highly motivated and caring individuals to work as Personal Support...
March Blood Pressure Clinic
We will be giving FREE blood pressure screenings. All are welcome to come....
Newsletter February 2016
Newsletter February 2016Download
February Blood Pressure Clinic
We will be giving FREE blood pressure screenings/readings at the following locations in...
January Blood Pressure Clinic
We will be giving FREE blood pressure screenings. All are welcome to come....
December Blood Pressure Clinic
We will be giving FREE blood pressure screenings/readings at the following location in...
Employee Appreciation BBQ
We would like to thank everyone for their hard work throughout the year. Please join us for...
Bladder Cancer Awareness
Bladder Cancer is the fifth most common cancer in the United States and it affects approximately...
June 15th is Elder Abuse Awareness Day
June 15th is elder abuse awareness day and elder abuse is very real in Maine, so raising...
June is Men’s Health Month
June is a month designated to raise awareness of preventable health problems and the importance of...
April is Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month
April is a month designated to raise awareness about Parkinson’s disease. First of all Parkinson’s...
March is National Colon Cancer Awareness Month
March is the designated month to create awareness of colon cancer-also known as colorectal...
Go Red!
Join us on Thursday February 14th for a free blood pressure clinic hosted by Shaw’s in Waterville....