Hello All!
It looks like spring has sprung and we are all happy to see it!! I never thought I would say this, but bring on the mud season! It certainly beats snow! One thing is for certain, I don’t think I have ever seen the pot holes as bad as they have been this year. I nearly lost my car in a couple of them!
It has certainly been a busy spring for us here at Maine-ly Elder Care. I would like to thank you all for picking up extra shifts when asked. We really appreciate your extra help! The business to business showcase in March was a great success. There was a great turn out and we made lots of community contacts.
I am starting to think about my garden this year. I have decided to have a smaller garden this year. I am going to try to have a couple of raised beds instead of the big garden we usually have. I certainly love the fresh vegetables, but it is hard to find the time to devote to a garden. I will let you know how this works out.
Easter Sunday is this month and I can’t wait to gather with family and friends! I hope you all have a blessed day!
Happy Easter!