Hello All!

Tis the season to celebrate Christmas time – one of my favorite times of year, a time for reflection, gratefulness and looking forward to the mystique of a brand new year.   I always take time at the end of each year to reflect back on the year.  One word always comes to my mind and that is gratitude, such a powerful word that can turn any negative situation into a positive one.

Even when I am feeling defeated by the world, I always turn my thoughts to gratitude for whatever is happening. I always try to remember that in all things there is a lesson.  I may not like it, and it may not have the outcome I want, but it is a lesson.  And that is something to be grateful for.  So, when you feel like you have been defeated, think about gratitude, embrace the lesson and learn from it.  After all, if we never went through bad times, we would never be able to appreciate the good times!

One thing I am certainly grateful for is the amazing team of caregivers here at Maine-ly Elder Care.  We are fortunate to have each of you provide such an important service to seniors within our communities, Thank You! 

Merry Christmas to you and your families and Happy New Year!


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